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FAQs on Aura & Chakra

1) What is Chakra Balancing and what are the benefits of chakra balancing?

A: Aura therapy and Chakra balancing is an art which a person learns after long experience and dedicated effort in this field. The reading of Aura and Chakras needs immense expertise and exposure to thousands of Auras of different individuals starting from most influential people like politicians, actors, Spiritual leaders (Gurus), industrialists etc. to very sick patients, persons with different ailments like diabetes, heart problem, kidney problem and several other dreaded diseases to even beggars also. The more an Aura therapist is exposed to such kind of Auras the more accurately he can predict and more accurately can heal the individual or enhance the Aura and balance the Chakras.

Benefits of Chakra Balancing:

-This technique is used to find the disorders in the human body. -A picture of hand clearly shows how various body organs are linked. -A good Aura therapist can accurately predict the future diseases of the individual and take corrective action much prior to these diseases actually taking a dreaded form. -A good Aura Therapist can accurately predict the type of an ailment approx 6 months in advance.

Aura Therapy & Chakra Balancing

Know about aura scanning on Aura is a kind of radiations that every individual emits from his or her body in form of different colours of a rainbow. Aura is a kind of radiations that every individual emits from his or her body in form of different colours of a rainbow.

The Aura of an individual directly depends upon his/her psyche, bringing up, genes, emotions, his relationships, success or failure and reaction to a particular situation. Definitely Aura can be enhanced and Chakras can be balanced through a methodical programme of meditation, Kriya yoga and breathing exercises.

Aura therapy and Chakra balancing is an art which a person learns after long experience and dedicated effort in this field. The reading of Aura and Chakras needs immense expertise and exposure to thousands of Auras of different individuals starting from most influential people like politicians, actors, Spiritual leaders (Gurus), industrialists etc. to very sick patients, persons with different ailments like diabetes, heart problem, kidney problem and several other dreaded diseases to even beggars also.

The more an Aura therapist is exposed to such kind of Auras the more accurately he can predict and more accurately can heal the individual or enhance the Aura and balance the Chakras. A good Aura reader suggests a suitable remedy as well once he establishes the Aura being in low level and Chakras being unbalanced in terms of various exercises and recommending Rudrakshas and Shaligram stones.

2) Is an Aura Scan real? What was your experience?

Yes Aura Scanning is real, the Aura therapy/ scanning and Chakra balancing is an art which a person learns after long experience and dedicated effort in this field. The reading of Aura and Chakras needs immense expertise and exposure to thousands of Auras of different individuals starting from most influential people like politicians, actors, Spiritual leaders (Gurus), industrialists etc. to very sick patients, persons with different ailments like diabetes, heart problem, kidney problem and several other dreaded diseases to even beggars also.

The more an Aura therapist is exposed to such kind of Auras the more accurately he can predict and more accurately he can heal the individual or enhance the Aura and balance the Chakras. A good Aura reader suggests a suitable remedy as well once he establishes the Aura being in low level and Chakras being unbalanced in terms of various exercises and recommending Rudrakshas and Shaligram stones.

An Aura can actually be seen from a naked eyes by concentrating on the forehead of an individual and then looking at an adjacent object such that the individual head /shoulder area is also seen. After some time of concentration an Aura can be seen in the form of different colours like yellow or green or blue or white etc.

3) What does positive aura mean? Can a negative aura be scanned?

The Aura of an individual can be taken at higher Aura levels by various means like by doing the right kind of meditation, by crystal healing, by modifying Altars and keeping Shaligram Shilas, by physical exercises, by wearing Rudrakshas etc. It has been proved that by worshipping Shaligram Shilas, crystal healing and by wearing Rudraksha malas the Aura immediately jumps to a higher level. If the person is positive, the aura will be positive. Negative aura can also be scanned if a person is negative, vibrations of his/her aura will also be negative. Positive aura are

-Sahasrara Chakra (The Crown Chakra)
-Ajna (The Brow Chakra)
-Vishuddha Chakra (The Throat Chakra)

And negative aura are
-Muladhara Chakra (The Root Chakra)
-Swadhisthana Chakra (The Sacral Chakra)
-Manipura Chakra (The Navel Chakra)

4) How to Improve Aura?

-Change your thoughts can improve your aura.
-Forgiveness nature also improve aura.
-Unconditional Love also helps to improve aura.
-Improve your mood, Listen to good music, Seek out a good laugh.
-Take care of your body.
-Treat others well and Don't gossip.

5) What are the most efficient ways of chakra balancing?

Breathing with expectation is one of the least demanding and best approaches to restore your chakras. To help bring your chakras into their natural and harmonic balance, every time you inhale, direct the energy of your breath to your chakra. exhale and allow awareness to settle into the chakra.

Approaches to Heal This Chakra

-As much as you can walk around barefoot.
-Eat red nourishment, for example, strawberries, tomatoes, red peppers (capsicums), beetroot and add spices to your diet.
-Set up a saving plan instead of worrying about finances
-Visualise red pouring into the area around your root chakra

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